Tuesday, February 10, 2009

From Snow to Tornado

Do you know what they say about Missouri weather? If you don't like it, stick around for an hour and it will change.

Until last week, it was cold, icy and snowy here in the Ozarks. The past few days have been beautiful, with near-recordbreaking temperatures in the upper 60's. Tonight, they're predicting severe weather, including the possibility of tornadoes.

At the first sign of bad weather, I'll be taking the boys and heading to the quonset hut. It's supposed to withstand 150 mph winds, so we'll see how that works. I know one thing, it's going to be safer than sitting inside my double-wide mobile home, which is fastened to the concrete slab foundation with some thin metal straps.

My next house will have a real storm shelter; not a giant metal caterpillar building.

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